Bring On The Floyd!

Nothing can heal my soul like the power of music. I can’t wait for my “Great Gig In The Sky” tomorrow night! I am truly blessed to be able to join the stage with this fabulous production of musicians and some of the hardest working people in the business.

I never imagined I would be a part of a tribute project. I was the girl who sat in Musical Theatre workshop re-writing the lyrics to Gershwin because I yearned to be original and creative. I didn’t want to be a follower. Little did I know my rebellion would not serve me well. But I learned. I learned over the years that the lyrics to George & Ira Gershwin and all the great songwriters of our century were not just about their unique stories and fantastic rhyming conventions.

They create a snapshot of our lives.
They give us the language when we are speechless from emotion.
They are the fabric of our community.
They remind us that love and experience are really all we have to take with us.

I believe that this shared experience is the reason that tribute bands exist and prosper. Our memories can be cherished and, in a way, re-lived when we hear our favorite music played in a live setting. Even lost memories can come back when we hear these songs that changed us.

Our Floyd Experience followers taught me that. Looking out at our amazing fans and getting to know many of them prove to me again and again that this music has created a community that is so unique. Young and Old, we connect with this music that stands the test of time.

Pink Floyd helped me through a very hard time in my life as I’m sure there are many of you who feel the same and that is the best part! We are not alone. I’m grateful every day for my Dad and his spectacular record collection. I haven’t lived with my parents for many years but he still asks me, “Lucie, where is that cd? Did you take this record I can’t find?” Ha!! Sorry Dad, but you had all the best records and many of them were my roadmap… Dark Side of The Moon and Wish You Were Here just to name a few!

Tomorrow when The Floyd Experience has the opportunity to play this music for you, we promise we will take you back to all those great memories. I’ll be there singing my heart out for you, every note, every beat. It’s an honor to recreate this music…bring on the Floyd!!