New Beginnings

Hola! I am thrilled to be back in the wordpress kitchen cooking up my latest website all about … MOI!! Yep, I am digging deep to my most uncomfortable dungeons and caverns of who I am and all that I have to give to my community only publish it all (with screaming horror HA!) right here on So many of us find it hard to be vulnerable and tell our story, sharing what’s in our heart is really challenging. I have always felt that my story is insignificant and uneventful, focusing on all the failure and all the times that I have avoided the opportunity to find success. It’s easy to get lost in our own failures and accept complacency as our daily norm. BUT I have news for you…your dreams and your wishes to be better will always come knocking.

After I lost the job of my dreams last year I was in a dark place. I felt lost again as I have felt too many times in my life. I started seeing a therapist to work through all the confusion and depression I was dealing with. I turned to the people who knew me best and asked for help. Over the course of treatment, I made a choice to turn it all around. I made a choice to focus on the good things in my life and push out the bad ones. It was a difficult time, it’s hard work to improve your life especially when you are raising children, looking for a job and seeking out your passion. I lost friends, I faced hard choices about how to manage my relationships with some family members, all in the name of finding my own success. Now on the other side of that, I am emerging stronger and happier than I have ever been. I’m able to face issues head on and deal with life’s struggles in a much healthier way. I’m a better Mom, a better wife and a better member of my community because I’m finding my own success.

I have a huge story to share and I want to help others find their success. We all deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life and I can say this with upmost certainty that my job is to help others find it. I’m not a doctor, I’m not a therapist but I am a musician. Music is what saves me every time from the pit falls I’ve been faced with throughout my life. My love and commitment to music has always been the thread that’s weaved my life’s story. I know that I can help others, through their own musical journey to create a better life. To me, what better way to connect us and lift us up through the great love of music that so many of us share.

It’s time. I’m ready to dive in and I’m so excited for you to join me on this journey. Learn how to sing and learn how to find joy in your life. Use music to help you get through hard times. Live your healthiest life by seeing the rewards of good health. When you take care of yourself, you can take better care of the ones you love. There is no greater reward than feeling good!

Please connect with me on my handy dandy form below and I’ll be sure to keep you posted on all the fun blog posts, vocal training tips, videos and entertainment right here on

Stay Tuned

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