The Working Musician’s Definitive Guide to Vocal Care

As a busy working musician, taking care of your voice is paramount for a sustainable career. In this in-depth blog post, we’ll break down the best practices for vocal health directly from a pro who gigs 10 times per week. We’ll introduce Clar Killoran, her background, and her discussion with me, Vocal Coach, Lucie Pierro on common vocal issues experienced by performers.

1: Hydration Habits

The key to prevention. Discover Clara’s strategy for drinking water throughout the day and during shows.

2: Warmup Routines

Learn her morning and pre-show exercises for gauging ability and strengthening weaknesses.

3: Nutrition for Performances

Fuel your body right with Clara’s tips on big lunches and snacking for sustained energy.

4: Knowing Your Limits

Taking breaks and having coverage allows for rest – preventing long-term damage.

5: Refining for Longevity

How Clara’s year of experience has strengthened her instrument and wellness.


A summary of the main takeaways for sustaining a healthy singing career.
Through comprehensive guidance, working musicians can optimize their vocal care. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Check Out The Full Video Here On Our YouTube Channel: @BreatheMusicStudio1752
The Only Video You Wil Ever Need For Vocal Care: A Guide For Working Musicians